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An Israelite family is struck by a series of tragic deaths, and God mysteriously provides for the widows through the generous acts of an Israelite farmer.

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In this short letter from the Apostle Paul, we see how the gospel transforms not only us, but the world around us as well.

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A subversive story about a rebellious prophet who despises his God for loving his enemies.

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Jude confronts corrupt teachers who distort the message about his brother Jesus and lead others astray.

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Paul shows how Jesus created the new covenant family of Abraham through his death and resurrection and the sending of the Spirit.

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Paul shows how the good news should create ethnically diverse communities that are unified by devotion to Jesus and to each other.

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John's visions reveal that Jesus has overcome evil by his death and resurrection, and will return one day as the true king of the world.

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Habakkuk struggles to understand God's goodness in the midst of such evil and injustice in the world.

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Zechariah's visions foster hope in the future promise of the messianic kingdom, and challenge Israel after the exile to remain faithful to God.

Verse by Verse


Jesus carries the covenant story of God and Israel to its culmination and he announces the good news of God’s kingdom to the poor and the rich.



Topical messages taught by our team.

Verse by Verse


Mark demonstrates that Jesus is Israel's messiah who inaugurates God’s kingdom through his suffering, death, and resurrection.

Verse by Verse

The Book of Joel

The book of Joel describes the Day of the Lord through locust swarms, battles, and powerful imagery so that readers can understand its magnitude.

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Paul encourages the Colossian Christians to see Jesus as the center of all reality, so they don’t give in to pressure from other religions.

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The Book of James

shares sage wisdom for all the churches and followers of Jesus. It's influenced by Proverbs and frequently quotes Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

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2 Peter

2 Peter issues stark warnings against corrupt teachers and encourages believers to hold fast to their hope in God and the new creation.

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1 John

The apostle John is writing from Ephesus to remind and encourage the church to remain faithful to the basics of Christianity.

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1st & 2nd Thessalonians

Paul directs the persecuted Thessalonian Christians to hope in the future of king Jesus' return who will make all things right.

Verse by Verse

1 Timothy

Paul shows Timothy how to restore order and purpose to the church in Ephesus which has been disrupted by false teachers.

Verse by Verse


Malachi accuses Israel of selfishness after the exile and announces that the day of the Lord will purify Israel and prepare them for God's kingdom.


Doctrines We Believe

While Christians may differ on numerous issues, there are basic tenets of the faith that should be denied by no one claiming to be a follower of Jesus.


What We Believe

This series helps us learn to discern the truth by using God's Word as a lens through which to view the world around them - to see everything the way God sees it.

Verse by Verse

Acts of the Apostles

Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to empower his disciples as they carry the good news of his kingdom to the nations of the world.

Verse by Verse


Galatians teaches that believers are justified by Jesus alone. They are a part of a diverse family and equipped by the Spirit to love God and others.

Verse by Verse


Under house arrest as a prisoner in Rome, yet full of joy and thankfulness, Paul wrote to encourage his fellow servants living in Philippi.

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Paul commissions Titus to show how the good news of Jesus and the power of the Spirit can transform Cretan culture from within.

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Jesus becomes human as the incarnation of the creator God of Israel, to share His love and the gift of eternal life with the world.

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1 Peter

1 Peter is a powerful letter written to persecuted Gentile Christians, reminding them that they are chosen by God and have a future hope in Jesus.

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Sermon on the Mount

Jesus addresses one's attitude, worship, relationships and material possessions.

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2 Timothy

Paul is near execution, and offers a personal challenge to Timothy to keeping following Jesus no matter the sacrifice and risk.

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1 Corinthians

Paul shows the new Christians in Corinth that all of life's most complex problems can be seen through the lens of the gospel.

Verse by Verse


Haggai challenges Israel after the exile to remain faithful to their God and rebuild the temple.

Verse by Verse


The author shows how Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God's love and mercy and is worthy of our devotion.


The Church

If the church is God’s primary means for expanding His kingdom work, then we need to understand who we are as a community of faith – who we are as the church.

Verse by Verse

the Psalms

The book of Psalms has been designed to be the prayer book of God's people as they wait for the Messiah and his coming kingdom.


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